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Ash Mufareh is a smart AI Technology professional. GoFounders/ONPASSIVE is the brainchild of Ash since he envisions to give people a better life.

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All the global activities – including online and offline – are based out of social media these days. From celebrities to business, they are engaging with their fans and customers and using the online platform. The engagement with their fans and customers is relatively high because they can connect with the entire population who are online. The messaging can be highly engaging on such platforms.

Naturally, as anyone would predict, social media platforms have grown more than just avenues where friends can virtually hang out and have discussions. The platform is now used to build engagement by brands with their customers. Celebrities can showcase their talent or share viral information with their fans and continuously engage and stay in public memory. The avenue has grown out of its initial potential and has a thing of its own, where different industries have different stakes on it.

You need to improve your social media game by increasing engagement with your stakeholders. However, this is easier said than done. The amount of data disseminated via the online avenue is gigantic, and your message can be lost among the flood of other information. Therefore, conversational AI is something that can actively interact with your stakeholders and increase engagement. Strap up and implement the technology to your business.


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5 ways to use conversational AI in Social media

  1. Improved inbound engagement

Conversational AI facilitates you to drive more engagement to your Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter posts and improves the graph of engagement. The AI-driven automation of the intelligent algorithms helps the system identify the user actions and statements and thereby enable an exciting, engaging conversation with the users that can navigate them to the desired destination where you intended.

  1. Interactive customer reach out

The sophisticated technology can be implemented to your business for an online outreach to your existing/non-existing customers. The new way of dynamic and interactive display ads enabled by AI-driven solution can not only communicate with customers but also interact with prospective customers. The outbound marketing activities are much richer and reap outstanding results in customer acquisition and eliminates unchecked efforts.

  1. Higher lifetime value

The deeper and interactive engagement from the intelligent system helps derive higher value throughout the customer lifetimes. Individual customer proclivity and intent are known via AI-driven solution, and the customer interaction is molded according to the results. Moreover, the customer is made aware of the brand and gets acquainted with it via various marketing channels. The engagement of the customers with the brand is highly customized based on the factors.

  1. Self-serving superior customer experience

Customers are already familiar with Interactive Voice-based Response, popularly known as IVR. Although it has helped businesses improve their turnaround time, it still isn’t customer friendly. The customer feels like s/he has to navigate into a maze to get the query answered. However, with the conversational AI solution, customer experience is superior, and questions are responded to without any complications. The system isn’t bureaucratic and allows customers to access information without hassles.

  1. The economy of scale

The advanced Artificial Intelligence system can be applied at a large scale. Customers can be supported en masse with the vast IT infrastructure, which costs a fraction of the hiring costs of hundreds of employees for the long term.Also, time is not a hiccup, because customers can be engaged and query resolved any time of the day.

By implementing futuristic technologies in your everyday marketing and customer support activities, your business operations can be eased and automated, that will generate massive wealth for a long time to come. Your online activities have never been so engaging and responsive before, but with the implementation of the technology, all of this will be transformed into an automated system of marketing and customer support without human intervention.

The era of Artificial Intelligence is here, and it will leave no industry vertical untouched. Why should it be any different for your marketing and customer relationship efforts, isn’t it?


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